Which Nutrients Give you the Most Bang for Your Buck…and which Brand Works the Best?

Are You Spending Your Money Wisely on Your Vitamins?

Everyone is having to make tough choices about how they spend their money. So, it’s just natural to ask whether you should continue to spend money on food supplements.

And if maybe the question should be: What vitamins should I be spending my money on?

Spending just pennies a day on health care can reduce our expenditures by $24 billion over five years.

Sound crazy? It’s true.

New research from the Lewin Group has shown that spending pennies a day on a few key nutritional supplements can dramatically reduce sickness and chronic disease — and greatly decrease health care expenditures as a result.

While there are many other beneficial nutritional therapies that have been proven helpful in studies, the ones in this particular study are only those that are unquestionable, beyond scientific doubt, well-accepted, and proven to help.

Some of the results showed that Omega’s 3, A good multi-vitamin with folic acid. Other important nutrients were Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids that are found in yellow and orange vegetables. (Taken as supplements, these have been shown to treat macular degeneration, which is the loss of central vision, a major reason people over age 65 require nursing home care. )

Omega-3 fatty acids help prevent cardiac arrhythmias, improve cell membrane function, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and have many other benefits.

LandMark Study Proves that Certain Supplements Do Make a Difference in Long Term Health

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. The Landmark study shows just how true that is when it comes to taking food supplements.

Users of Shaklee Supplements did much better than users of other brands of supplements. Here are some of the results:

  • · 1/2 to 1/3 the incidence of coronary heart disease, heart attack, angina, congestive heart failure, stroke & emphysema
  • · – and an incredible 1/4 the incidence of diabetes – compared to people taking other brands of multivitamins or no vitamins at all.

Here’s another interesting fact from the Landmark study.

  • · The average age of the participants who took Shaklee was 65 and the average number of medications taken per person was 0.5.

Yes, you heard me right. Half of the people taking the Shaklee study were taking no medications at all. That is amazing because the norm in this country for someone at age 65 to be on 7 or 8 medications, and sometimes as many as 10 or 15.

Do you have any idea how much that many medications cost?

Do you have any idea how bad you will feel if you take that many medications?

You see, the most impressive result of the study was that the people taking the Shaklee supplements just plain felt better than people taking other people’s vitamins or no supplements at all.

That comes under the category of PRICELESS!

So the next time you think of cutting back on your Shaklee supplements, you shouldn’t be thinking of the savings – you should be thinking of how much it’s going to cost you to do without them!
Shaklee developed a product called Vitalizer based on the results of the LandMark study at UC Berkley.

Vitalizer,Fifty years in the making, based on 12 Shaklee clinical studies, with 80 bio-optimized clinically proven nutrients, Vitalizer provides the best spectrum of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-aging phytonutrients, omega-3 fatty acids, and probiotics.*

Are you interested in becoming a member of Shaklee to purchase the supplements at discount go to Try Shaklee Now

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